Saturday, February 7, 2009

Been away too long!!!

I apologize for the lapse in time since my last post! Much has been going on around here! I spent 2 weeks with my family back home in Oklahoma for Christmas and had a wonderful time! It had been 2 years since I'd been home to visit my mom and sister. I think it had even been longer since I'd seen my brother. So it was a much needed visit!
After returning home on New Years day we started house hunting again. And we are now in the process of deciding what to do. We thought we had found our new home, but some issues have come up that we may not be able to resolve with the sellers. I sure hope it's not going to be back to square one!
In the meantime, I've been working on crocheting a little travel blankie for a friend's daughter. It has given me some much needed crochet therapy! I always do a few rows before bedtime to help me unwind after the hectic days I've had recently. ;)
So, it's not that I've been neglecting this blog purposefully, it's that I just haven't had the time to sit down and take the time to post what I would like to! Please bear with me as we get through our real estate issues. I plan to be back in the swing of things in no time! Thanks for your patience!!!

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